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Welcome address

Dear colleagues,

Obstetricians and Gynaecologists from all over the world take the opportunity to meet up at the EBCOG’s European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, usually once every two years. Having moved from Torino to Paris and from Athens to Krakow, amongst many other locations over the past decades, the lovely city of Frankfurt was now decided to celebrate the 29th Edition of this reuniting meeting, one of the few still gathering nearly all branches of our specialty in a single event.

From the 5th to the 7th of June, 2025, we will follow tradition after pandemics and move for three whole days to the EBCOG Congress in order to share this special moment and learn from some of the most experienced and knowledgeable colleagues in the world.

But as tradition is not what it used to be, active participation and innovation will be our cornerstone. The mobile phone “App” will guide us through the program, with the possibility to interact with speakers. There will be pre-recorded live surgery, live scanning and breakfast sessions including the popular “stump the expert”, as well as nine exciting keynote lectures at the key moments of each day.

The scientific program is filled with high quality sessions and aims at pleasing all audiences: consultants, trainees, embriologists, midwives, nurses and students. Everyone is invited to present their work and share research after the selection process, incorporating the program alongside invited speakers. We will also have an opportunity to get in touch with the latest news from the Industry section, strongly supporting the meeting and trying to bring us new opportunities and evolutions.

The theoretical knowledge sessions are separate from the skills sessions, allowing tutors and participants to attend both kinds without any interference. There will be sessions with the subspecialties, sister organizations like World Health Organisation (WHO Europe), FIGO and UNFPA, for basic knowledge, video presentations and multidisciplinary action, counting on the presence of distinguished colleagues from other specialties closely related to ours. This is also an ideal opportunity to promote networking at all levels for women's health.

The two types of skills sessions will be based upon the level of practical exposure: hands-on-training and interactive sessions. We will have the chance to greet the new Fellows of EBCOG (EFOGs) in the closing ceremony, where we will also be presenting the five EBCOG/ENTOG awards for best work.

Besides establishing bonds and projects between countries or simply meeting old colleagues and friends while enjoying our impressive venue, the opportunity to publish your abstracts is just another reason to come and join us for this exciting major EBCOG event in the land of our EBCOG President.

Yours truly,

Prof. Frank Louwen

Prof. Frank Louwen

EBCOG President

Dr.Nuno N.Martins

Dr. Nuno N. Martins

EBCOG Congress President

Dr. Sofia Tsiapakidou

Dr. Sofia Tsiapakidou

ENTOG President

Thematic Focus

There will be pre-recorded live surgery and breakfast sessions including the popular “challenge the expert”, nine exciting keynote lectures as well as hands-on-training and interactive sessions. Furthermore participants can attend sessions with the subspecialties, sister organizations like World Health Organisation (WHO Europe), FIGO and UNFPA.


5 June 2025

Day 1: Prematurity Awareness Day


6 June 2025

Day 2: 3Ds Day (Demography, Decarbonisation, Defence)


7 June 2025

Day 3: Endometriosis Awareness Day

Congress Topics

Benign gynaecology and fibroids

Breast disease


Complications and cases gone wrong

Diabetes in pregnancy

Early pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy loss


Fertility preservation

Fetal monitoring and assessment of fetal well being

General perinatal medicine

Gynaecological endocrinology

Gynaecological oncology

Health Policy, including climate changes, human rights, violence against women and migrant specific health issues

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy


Induction of labour

Infectious diseases, including COVID

Infertility, embryology and ART

Intrapartum and peripartum care, including PPH and lactation

Intrauterine growth restriction

Medical disorders in pregnancy

Medical education and training

Menopause and health in later life

Minimally invasive surgery and robotics

Mode of delivery, including c-section

Multiple pregnancy

Nutrition, obesity and life style

Out-of-specialty topics

Paediatrics and adolescent gynaecology

Patient safety

Pregnancy loss and stillbirth

Prenatal diagnosis, including genetics and fetal surgery

Preterm labour


Screening and prevention of gynaecological cancer, including HPV and colposcopy

Sexual and reproductive health

Surgical/obstetrical/imaging technique



Vulval benign disease

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Save the date

Congress Registration and Abstract Submission will be opened soon. Further and updated information will be available here.

CME Accreditation

An application will be made to the U.E.M.S. EACCME for accreditation of the congress.